Friday, June 12, 2009

Question [Yes I can!] : How to treat or live with Hypothiroidism?

What are you taking?
Is there a specific Diet?
What are the symptoms?

I was Diagnosed with HypoThyroid a year in half ago and I still get sick and not feel good. I take blood work every 3 months and get a check up every 3 months as well and last time dr said I was going better and that my cells were much better on the last blood work but I still feel some of the symptoms.


The prefix 'hypo' means less than normal. 'Hyper' mean more than normal. So hypothyroidism means that the thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormone. Symptoms are usually fatigue, intolerance to cold, sluggishness, depression, lack of concentration, inability to manage weight loss or gain, constipation, coarse/dry skin and hair and diminished basal metabolic rate.

Some of the other symptoms of thyroid dysfunction are hair loss, sensitivity to hot or cold, menstrual irregularities, abnormally low blood sugar, puffiness around eyes or ankles, and increase in serum cholesterol.

A typical medication for this is "Synthroid" which will most likely need to be taken indefinitely.

Conventional thyroid treatment treats all cases of hypothyroidism by seeking to replace the natural hormone with synthetic hormones. The dosage is determined based on trial and error.

Natural thyroid medication that uses hormone replacement therapy makes the use of hormones prepared from pig tissue. These can at times, interfere with the natural functioning of the human body.

Alternative thyroid treatments like homeopathy, seek to ascertain the root cause of the disease. Homeopathy is based on the principal that a group of symptoms produced by a particular remedy in a healthy person will cure a similar set of symptoms in a sick individual. A homeopathic physician prescribes thyroid medications based on individual symptoms.

Various homeopathic remediesImage via Wikipedia

Homeopathy requires a lot of time and effort since the physician needs to study patient history, living styles, diet preferences and mannerisms into before prescribing a customized remedy.

Sometimes simple procedures may be prescribed instead of medicines to ensure efficient and fast healing. Some of these may include:

* A gentle tapping of the thyroid gland ten times, three time a day
* Soaking the feet in water with sea salt
* Rubbing feet with a mixture of castor oil and kelp tincture, wrapping in plastic overnight

Homeopathic remedies do not interfere with the natural healing process of the body. On the contrary, they stimulate the body organs to restore normal body function. With regard to hypothyroidism, this would mean that homeopathic remedies reactivate hormone secretions.

The main aim of homeopathy and other alternative thyroid treatments is to aid in self-healing so that synthetic products can be avoided.

Homeopathic treatment of Hypothyroidism

There is no single drug or single remedy in homeopath for hypothyroidism. Homeopathy approaches different situations of hypothyroidism in different ways. For instance, if someone who is obsessive, feels very hot and can’t stop hurrying and if the patient is dark eyed or dark haired, they are given Iodum 30c. In a same way, a patient with constipation, earthy complexion and with palpitations is given the medicine called Natrum mur. 30c. if the patient is having flushed face and staring eyes, he or she should receive Lycopus 30c and patient with heart pounding and racing, Lycoups 30c will be preferred medicine. These all can be taken every hour for up to 10 doses.

Another specific remedy to be taken every twelve hours for up to five days is giving Arsenicum Album 30c. This is been used to treat the disease since years. Homeopathy also offers good prognosis to cases of hypothyroidism. Some people practice with different approach of homeopathic medicines for hypothyroidism. This includes Calcarea Phos, Lapis Alb, Thyroidinum, Calcarea Iod, Calcarea Carb, Fucus Vesiculosus, Bromium, Iodine.etc.
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Question [Candice M] : What are alternative treatments for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis besides medication?

I have a moderate case of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and have been on pretty strong medications for it since I was 2 years old. I currently have a 3 1/2 month old and am breast feeding so I can not take any medication. I am in a lot of pain but do not want to sacrifice the breast feeding so I am looking for another option. Example: a special diet or anything???


Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (Still's Disease)

Chronic, inflammatory, systemic disease which may cause joint or connective tissue damage & visceral lesions throughout the body characterized by fever, rash, hepato-spleenomegaly & arthritis in children.

It is a persistent inflammatory arthritis (> 6 weeks) that begins before age 16 for which no specific cause can be found.

Homeopathic Treatment for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions.

Please visit the following web-site and choose the medicines that are relevant to your symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are perfectly safe even while you are breast-feeding.

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