Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Question [bluefootedpig] : Anemic, what is the cause and fix?

I'm anemic and I'm wondering what is the cause of this, and are there any natural ways to cure this? I currently take iron supplements, but they are not giving enough iron.

I rarely eat meat, and I have small salad once a day.


Anemia: Bio-chemic remedy: Bio-Plasgen No-1 (Anemia)

Components: Calc. Phos., Ferr. Phos., Nat. Mur., Kali. Phos.

Indications: Lack of blood due to indigestible food and to living in unhealthy quarters. Continuous loss of blood from any part of the body cerebral and spinal anemia. A general wasting of the tissues, waxy appearance of the skin: chlorosis, palpitation, tremor and weakness. Anemia of the brain from prolonged mental strain.

Dosage: Adults 4 tablets, children 2 tablets at a time four times a day at intervals of three hours.


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