Saturday, June 6, 2009

Question [Ruby] : Home remedies for pulled muscles?

Anyone ever heard of pulling the muscle in the back that goes around the entire body, under the rib cage and through the shoulder blades? I am in excruciating pain, and have been told ( not by a professional) that I have pulled that muscle. And also that it could be pneumonia, because of the location of the pain and that it hurts me to inhale air. I do not have a chronic cough or anything. Im not a fan of doctors and only go when it is absolutely necessary. I'd rather not go and waste money and time for x-rays unless I need to.



While nothing can be done to make a pulled muscle heal faster, there are several ways to treat a pulled muscle at home in order to reduce the pain and improve function. The first step is to place an ice pack on the injured area immediately. This will help reduce swelling and, therefore, pain. Next, the pulled muscle should be wrapped in an elastic bandage to help reduce the amount of stress placed on the muscle.

Rubbing Arnica cream on the affected area is a homeopathic remedy for a pulled muscle. This cream is safe for people of all ages and absorbs quickly into the skin. It is known to relieve muscles that have been overexerted or injured. Stretching is another pulled muscle treatment, though it is important to be careful, as it can also worsen the injury if done too soon. When stretching a pulled muscle, it should never be pushed to the point that it causes pain.

Applying heat to the pulled muscle can also be beneficial. Moist heat, such as that from warm bath or shower, is better than dry heat from a heating pad. A warm bath can soothe the pulled muscle and reduce the pain. This is because the heat helps improve circulation, as well as your body’s metabolism. It also relaxes the pulled muscle, which decreases muscle spasms and stiffness in the ligaments and tendons.

Adding Epsom salt to the warm bath can also benefit the pulled muscle. Epsom salt has long been known for its ability to ease muscular aches and pains.

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